SharePoint 2013's default file upload size is 250 MB! To upload large files, you lot have to change the "Maximum Upload Size" setting in SharePoint 2013 Central administration site.

The maximum upload size setting is configured per spider web application. To change the maximum upload size in SharePoint 2013, do the following:

This changes maximum upload size in SharePoint 2013. You can specify the maximum value up to ii gigabytes (or 2047 megabytes every bit specified in Central Administration).

In my SharePoint 2013- Windows Server 2012 R2 environment, This is the only change I've made to add support for large files. No more than web.config edits, IIS changes! Just a Cardinal Admin change worked fine!!

SharePoint 2013 maximum upload file size can be gear up using PowerShell also. Here is how:

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue  Part Set-MaxFileUploadSize($WebAppURL, $Size) {     #Get the web applicatiin      $WebApp =  Get-SPWebApplication | where {$_.url -eq $WebAppURL }      If($WebApp)     {         #Increase Maxium File upload size         $WebApp.MaximumFileSize = $Size         $WebApp.update()                      write-host "Maximum File Upload Size has been updated to $($Size) MB!" -ForegroundColor Dark-green     }     else     {         write-host "Could not find a web application with URL: $($WebAppURL)" -ForegroundColor reddish     }  }   #Phone call the function to prepare max file upload size  Set-MaxFileUploadSize "" "500"              

In some cases, You may have to arrange timeout, MaxRequestLength values in IIS and Spider web.config files. Here is the Microsoft KB article addressing this result along with workarounds:

Salaudeen Rajack

Salaudeen Rajack is a SharePoint Architect with Two decades of SharePoint Experience. He loves sharing his noesis and experiences with the SharePoint community, through his real-world articles!